Select from the following modules to your start learning. Once you select a module you will have access to all sessions within that module. Return to this page to select additional modules.

Shifting to Teaching Across Learning Environments
Module 1 is the first of seven modules, and it establishes the foundation of the TALE Academy. In Module 1, we apply lessons learned from emergency remote teaching (ERT) in New York State to rethink what it means for teaching and learning across multiple learning environments (remote, in-person, hybrid).

Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Across Learning Environments
Module 2 in the TALE Academy – Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Across Learning Environments – explores all aspects of culturally responsive-sustaining education (CRSE) practices across learning environments through eight sessions – from creating student-centered learning environments to partnering with families using CRSE-aligned practices.

Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities Across Learning Environments
Almost one in every five students attending a New York State public school has an individualized education program (IEP). These students were inordinately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are counting on us not only to get them back on track but also to make gains in the classroom. TALE Academy Module 3 provides us with tools, resources, and strategies to help New York State’s students with disabilities achieve better results regardless of the learning environment (in-person, remote, or hybrid).

Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners (ELLs) Across Learning Environments
Module 4 provides us with the tools, skills, and strategies needed to help New York State’s ELL students become proficient in English while thriving across learning environments. This module challenges us to shift our mindsets and adapt our lessons to make learning more accessible and meaningful for ELLs.

Family and Community Engagement Across Learning Environments
Module 5 in TALE Academy explores how we can build partnerships with our students’ families and the communities they live in. Throughout this module, we’re introduced to a variety of strategies and skills that help us break down the barriers to family engagement to reimagine the role families can play in in-person, remote, and hybrid classrooms.

Social Emotional Learning Across Learning Environments
The pandemic took a significant toll on all of us — teachers, students, and families. Social emotional learning (SEL) in the school community is a key component to fueling our recovery from the pandemic. Throughout Module 6 we focus on frameworks to ground our approach to SEL and discover strategies we can apply to create a supportive classroom climate (in-person, remote, or hybrid), build the skills students need to navigate their worlds, and integrate SEL into our instruction in meaningful and engaging ways.

Leading to Support Educators Across Learning Environments
In the prior six modules, we focused on the shifts that teachers can make in their classrooms to achieve the vision of teaching across learning environments (TALE). In Module 7 we look at those shifts from the school leader’s perspective. We seek to answer the question: How can we, as school leaders, guide, support, and advance practices that support TALE?