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Quick Guide: CASEL 5 SEL Competencies

Social Emotional Learning Competencies infographic

Module 6 of the TALE Academy is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Across Learning Environments. In the first session of this module, we introduce the CASEL SEL Framework, which serves as a central framework for the TALE Academy sessions on SEL. Our accompanying infographic is a quick guide to CASEL’s five areas of SEL competence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. These SEL competencies tell us what our students should know and be able to do for success in life – in and beyond the classroom.

Here's a glimpse at the other sessions in Module 6 of the TALE Academy: Social Emotional Learning Across Learning Environments.

  • In Session 2, we will learn about the portability of SEL practices for in-person, remote, and hybrid classrooms.

  • In Sessions 3-5, we dive into each of the CASEL 5 SEL competencies and how to build student knowledge and skill in each one.

  • In Session 6, we connect the dots from culturally sustaining practices to SEL.

  • In Session 7, we will learn how digital citizenship is a critical SEL practice.

  • In Session 8, we will learn how self-care is critical for teachers for their own wellness and the social emotional health of students.

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