Module 6 of the TALE Academy is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Across Learning Environments. In the first session of this module, we introduce the CASEL SEL Framework, which serves as a central framework for the TALE Academy sessions on SEL. Our accompanying infographic is a quick guide to CASEL’s five areas of SEL competence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. These SEL competencies tell us what our students should know and be able to do for success in life – in and beyond the classroom.
Here's a glimpse at the other sessions in Module 6 of the TALE Academy: Social Emotional Learning Across Learning Environments.
In Session 2, we will learn about the portability of SEL practices for in-person, remote, and hybrid classrooms.
In Sessions 3-5, we dive into each of the CASEL 5 SEL competencies and how to build student knowledge and skill in each one.
In Session 6, we connect the dots from culturally sustaining practices to SEL.
In Session 7, we will learn how digital citizenship is a critical SEL practice.
In Session 8, we will learn how self-care is critical for teachers for their own wellness and the social emotional health of students.