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The photograph shows a lady holding a paper.

The TALE Academy and VITAL Educator Program utilizes the TALENT Learning Managment System for CTLE Certification. At the conclusion of every module's session, you will be asked to click a button that takes you to TALENT LMS to complete a brief 5 item quiz to check for your understanding. Below outlines directions for how to register in TALENT LMS and how to complete your CTLE quizes. TALENT is only used for the CTLE portion of the program, no module or session activity or resources are housed in TALENT - only the quiz. 


Follow the link here to log into the VITAL Educator Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) quizzes on the TALENT Learning Management System (LMS). VITAL Educator Program (   

The screenshot shows the vital education program login page with username and password columns.

**Please note that the TALENT Learning Management System (LMS) is used only for completion of CTLE quizzes and user receipt of CTLE Certificates in the VITAL Educator Program. All Vital Educator Modules and materials are housed on the TALE Academy website:


If you do not have a Talent LMS account through the VITAL Educator portal, click ‘Sign up’ to register for the LMS. You must create a new account even if you have another account on Talent through another institution.


Answer all the questions on the registration page, then click ‘Create account.’

The screenshot shows the sign-up page with details related to first name, last name, email address, username, password, phone number, organization type, region, educator role, and role (if 'other' is selected). At the bottom, a button for creating an account is shown.


Once you have registered, you will receive a notification that an administrator must approve your account. An administrator will receive an automatic notification to activate your account. Please allow 1 business day for account activation. You will receive an email confirming your account activation.


Log in to Talent LMS through the portal link: VITAL Educator Program ( When you log in for the first time, you will see the following page. Click “Get your first course” to view the list of courses. Please note that although the word Course appears frequently in the Vital Educator TALENT Learning Management System

(LMS), there are no courses in the LMS, only CTLE quizzes.

A screenshot displays the home page with a "get your first course" button in the main window.


On the Course catalog page, you can search for courses with the search bar in the top left, or select a course you see in the list. Click on the title of the course for the CTLE quiz you would like to complete.

A screenshot displays the home page with a "get your first course" button in the main window.


On the course page, click “Get this course.” Then click “Start or resume course” to begin the quiz.

A screenshot displays Module 1, Session 2: The 4 Constants Across Learning Environments course page in the Vital Educator Program.


When you click “Start test,” the CTLE quiz will begin. Complete all questions. Participants must achieve an 80% pass rate (answering 4 out of 5 questions correctly) in order to pass the quiz. If you fail to answer at least four questions correctly, a tab at the bottom of your quiz results will appear that indicates you have not passed and offers you the opportunity to reset the test and try again. Your progress will be saved if you exit the quiz, and you can return at any time.

A screenshot shows a window displaying a cross Mark with the following text: You completed this test on 11 October 2023, 12:34 P M. Your score is 20.00 percent.
A screenshot display a text "Not passed. Click to try again".


Upon successful completion of the CTLE quiz, you will see a “Congratulations” screen with a link to download your certificate.

The screenshot shows a congratulatory tab for completing Module 1; Session 2, and a button for downloading a certificate is shown at the bottom.


You may check your progress on quizzes overall by clicking on the Tab labeled “Learner” at the top of the portal screen and selecting “My Progress” in the drop down menu. To return to the quizzes, click on the Vital Educator logo in the top left corner.

A screenshot shows the home page of a student's login page.


You may request help at any time by clicking the “Messages Tab” at the top of your screen, and sending an email to “System administrators.”

The screenshot shows the send message window with tabs for recipient, subject, body, select attachment, and buttons for send message or cancel. The recipient tab is filled with the system administrator.


  • The TALE Academy's modules and resources are currently available to all educators.

  • However, during the time in which NYSED's VITAL Educator Program is being implemented (November 2023 - July 2024), CTLEs and the TALE Academy Forum are only available to VITAL Educator participants. 


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us at our Help Desk and we will respond as promptly as we can to assist you.

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The content of the TALE Academy was produced in whole or in part with funds from Contract C014452 and does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the New York State Education Department (NYSED), nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by NYSED. In addition, NYSED, its employees, officers, and agencies make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the content herein and disclaim any express or implied warranty as to the same.


All original TALE Academy materials may be used by educators under the “fair use” rule of copyright law. Fair use is permitted for all original TALE Academy materials without a request of permission. However, full credit must be given to any materials adopted, adapted or used. All TALE Academy website materials provide a full list of citations for this purpose at the conclusion of the “READ” documents.

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