Module 4 - Session 1
Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners Across Learning Environments

Welcome to TALE Academy Module 4: Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners Across Learning Environments!
Goal – The goal of this module is to help teachers expand their capacity for effectively teaching English language learners (ELLs) across learning environments.
Module Content – This module consists of 8 sessions on meeting the needs of English language learners across learning environments. Each session contains a variety of content and learning activities.
Session Content – You are beginning Module 4 – Session 1: Equitable Instruction for English Language Learners.
Step 1: Create your personal copy of the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook.
Throughout this session, you will complete the session activities and take notes in the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook. You will have many opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills you learn using your digital workbook. When you click on the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook link, you will be prompted to make a copy of the workbook. Once you do so, your notes and your work within your workbook will be visible only to you. Please note that the workbook is fillable using Google Slides. We do not recommend printing a copy due to the length of the workbook.
Step 2: Get familiar with the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook.
Now that you have your personal copy of the workbook, review pages 1-7 to learn about the workbook’s contents and tips for using the workbook. Don’t forget to add your name to page 1 to personalize your workbook!
Step 3: Review “Key Terms” for Session 1 in the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook.
Your last step is to review the key terms for Session 1. For every TALE Academy session, the key terms are listed at the start of each new session in the workbook. You can return to the key terms page(s) of your workbook throughout this session to add your notes.
How can I establish a classroom that includes developing English learners?
By the end of this session, you will be able to do the following:
Describe the road to proficiency for ELLs.
Understand the importance of the home language as an asset in learning.
Consider the impact of the educator mindset regarding linguistic diversity as a driver of equitable access to learning.
Analyze the linguistic backgrounds and language use of current ELLs.
The following video highlights the reflections of New York State educators on creating equitable instruction for ELLs.
To activate your prior knowledge on the topic, please complete the following steps:
In your copy of the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook, complete Activity 4.1.1 – Reflection on Language as an Asset.
If you have not already created your personal copy of the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook, you can make a copy by clicking here.
Select from the learning modalities below to explore an overview of the topic for this session. You may read a magazine-style article, watch a video, or listen to a conversational podcast.
You need to select only one option: read, watch, or listen.
As you read, watch, or listen, consider pausing and reviewing the key terms for this session in your workbook. You can add your own notes, ideas for application, or definitions of the terms in your own words.

Dive into our Module 4 – Session 1 READ, a magazine-style overview of the session topic with infographics and links to resources.

Tune into our Module 4 – Session 1 WATCH, a narrated, animated video that provides an overview of the session topic.

Settle in for our Module 4 – Session 1 LISTEN, a conversational, podcast-style discussion among educators about the session topic.
Select one option from the choices offered below to learn more.
You need to select only one of the choices, but you are welcome to explore all the resources!

Blueprint for English Language Learner/Multilingual Learner Success
Synopsis: This NYSED document sets the expectation for the quality of education for ELLs following principles that address various stakeholders (e.g., districts, schools, teachers, parents, communities) and their respective roles in ensuring the academic success of ELLs.
Format: State Guidance
Time: 4 minutes
Supporting Multilingual Learners in Hybrid Classrooms
Synopsis: This article provides several examples of teachers using technology to create engaging, active, and meaningful learning experiences for their students in a hybrid/online environment. Although the examples come from science classrooms, the activities, strategies, and technologies used can be applied across disciplines.
Format: Article
Time: 6 minutes

Making Classrooms More Inclusive for Multilingual Learners
Synopsis: This video provides four tips on how to help students build proficiency and fluency not only in their home language but in English, as well. The author focuses on ways that teachers can leverage the home language as an asset instead of a barrier to learning.
Format: Video
Time: 4 minutes
Differentiating Instruction: A Guide for Teaching English-Language Learners
Synopsis: Veteran teachers discuss how differentiating instruction benefits all students, including ELLs. They provide specific examples, such as leveled reading excerpts and playing videos at a reduced speed.
Format: Video
Time: 3 minutes

Synopsis: This episode of Field Trip Podcast focuses on the challenges faced by ELLs during the switch to emergency remote learning and describes learning strategies that continue to be effective.
Format: Podcast
Time: 28 minutes
Return to your copy of the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook and complete Activity 4.1.2 – Self-Assessment.
If you have not already made your personal copy of the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook, you can make a copy by clicking here.
Extend your learning by engaging in a longer workbook activity and/or accessing additional resources.
This section is designed to help you begin a journey into deeper learning on the topic area.
Return to your copy of the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook and complete Activity 4.1.3 – Getting to Know Your Students. If you have not already made your personal copy of the Module 4 TALE Academy Workbook, you can do so by clicking here.
Time: 20 minutes
The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A Literature Review
Topic: Overview of research studies and instructional practices that can support the acquisition of important language learning skills by ELLs
Format: Literature Review
Time: 21 minutes
Digital Resources for EL Students
Topic: Resource list of digital tools that support ELLs
Format: Resource Hub
Time: Varies
Rapid Cycle Pilots: Using Edtech to Support English Learners
Topic: The influence of technology integration on the academic achievement of ELLs in California and how it relates to the use of technology in remote and hybrid environments
Format: Research Study
Time: 49 minutes
Educator Toolkit: Using Educational Technology – 21st Century Supports for English Learners
Topic: How educational technology can best serve the needs of ELLs; includes guidelines, questions to consider, and links for further exploration
Format: Toolkit
Time: 35 minutes